The kids were BEYOND thrilled to be able to have one more adventure before we came back home.
Nana and Pappaw took them over to the neighbors, The Winkler's, for some pretend fishing in the tank.

Luke got so excited he could barely tell me about the "GI-NORMOUS cow" that came to say 'hello'.

What a thrill----no seats and no seatbelts!
True Texas Style Traveling

Growing up we used to walk over to our neighbor's house quite often.
It is one of those, straight out of a book, memories. We'd scoot under the hot wire fence, across the pasture and down the Winkler's gravel driveway. We never used the front door, but instead went around to the back door of the old white farm house. It led us straight into the kitchen of Mrs. Winkler. There was always fresh baked cookies and lemonade or sun tea, always. I have very vivid memories on my taste buds of her sugar cookies. That's probably why they are a favorite of mine. Mr. Winkler was never too busy to give us a wave from the tractor or give us a 'Hello.' "SAAAAAMMMM," Mrs. Winkler would yell, "those young'ns are here."
It makes me a little sad as I sit here pulling out old memories, of a time when things seemed so simple and the great time that has passed. I've never realized just how fond my memories are of the Winkler home, what a treasure I've dug up out of my mind. Their voices, the smell of the kitchen, the layout of their home, the curtains on the kitchen window, the bench and swing on the front porch, the flowers, oh the beautiful flowers.... I've never realized until now, it was a welcoming picture of what I want my home to be. Shame on me for not stopping by. It is a shame to have let the opportunity pass, it won't happen again. I pray the Lord will bless Sam and Mildren with His grace, I pray they will be richly rewarded for their kindness and love and I hope to see them again.
'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these, you do for me.'