Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Kayla, as she runs into the living room: Mommy, Kristaindabath!
Mommy: Huh? You're talking to fast, I can't understand you.
Kayla: Krista in da bath!
Mommy, from the living room: Krista, come out of the bathroom!
Daddy, from the bathroom a second later: Jean, come look at this...

Never a dull moment at the Bibby house :o)

Another addition

I have been putting off this post for some time now, but felt I needed to ask for prayer and who better to ask than those who care, right?!
My Dad, "Pops" has come to live with us.
We don't know for how long.
Things have been going well so far, I don't want to paint a dreary picture by any means.
It's just an adjustment.
We are looking for work for him and eventually a home of his own.
He's given Eric power of attorney, and by the grace of God Eric's been able to handle his affairs.
I have never felt to close to my husband. I have learned so much about mercy though Eric and his heart. The Lord has really blessed me with such a devoted man.
The best part about having Pops here is he is able to have a relationship with the kids.
It's been great for him to get to know them and vise versa, especially since they have only seen one another once a year and only for a day visit.
It's been hard for me to see my childhood, parts of which I would rather have keep forgotton.
It's a good reminder of why I parent differently and more of a reminder that I have so far to go still.
Having Pops around has been pleasant, it's been nice to see such a prideful and stubborn man soften and live here under respect to Eric and I and our home. That's a side that I was sure we would battle, but that has not been the case at all. It's been nice to see a younger version of my Dad and remember some good times of my youth.
Please pray for us and for my Dad.

Much love to you all!

The Girl's New Beds

Here is the girl's new room.
The only thing that I'm working on now is stenciling their names on the wall beside their beds.
The Olivetti's were SO VERY generous to give us these bunks.
All we had to purchase was a new mattress and support for Krista.
It's amazing how God answers even the simplest of prayers.

You know I couldn't resist putting a "Sisters" chalkboard up.
I love having scripture all over the house!

Happy Easter!

We spent this Easter at our home, though we dearly missed Grandma and Grandpa's.
Eric made the ham and I made the potatoes this year.
The kids didn't hunt eggs last year, instead we played games all afternoon and into the evening.

Krista's Muscial Entertainment

Friday, April 17, 2009

One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of these days...
...when you regretted letting the kids have snack in the living room...

...laundry couldn't magically fold itself, separate itself and put itself away...

...when every room looks like this and you haven't even shower...

...then your husband calls and says he's on his way home... haven't even started dinner or bothered to thaw anything... currently have one child playing in the toliet... child in time out... child crying because the other child hit her...


Have you ever had one of those days that is just....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Birthday Celebrations Kayla Marie turns 3

Yay for April!

We've had some cold rainy days, but for those few days of glorious sunshine,
we've been doing this...

Pine cone bird feeders

Indoor picnic before heading outside for play time
(it was too windy for eating outside)

Planting some new perennials
Even Krista was big enough this year to have her own shovel.

It is such a joy of mine to see my children learn appreciation for gardening.
It seems the easiest opportunity to teach them about our Lord. I was thrilled to hear Luke teaching his sisters about "how God makes the plants grow with His sunshine." It is such an awesome opportunity to teach them not only about creation, to be good stewards of it, but it also gives me the perfect opportunity to teach them why God made the flowers pretty.
Sharing with my children about His love, grace and mercy. For me, it seems that this Spring will bring more that just new flowers, but new opportunities for me to train and instruct His children.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Kayla Marie!

My girl,
you are three this year.
I have watched you, cuddled you, hugged and kissed you so many times in the past three years, yet right now I feel like I have missed so much of it. When did you turn from baby to girl?
I love your hugs and crazy way of making me laugh, when it is not supposed to be a "laughing matter." You are my sweet Princess.
I love the way you love your Daddy. This is our common bond. I overheard you playing the other week and referred to Daddy as your "Prince, just like Cinderelya," when you were talking to Krista.
This year you learned to be a big girl and use the potty, all so you could go to school with brother and I. It was quite funny after trying two weeks to get you potty trained and then giving up, you decided all on your own two weeks later. That's my girl, as big of a mule as your mommy, just ask Daddy.
It has been a fun year seeing you dance and sing with the Backyardigans. No matter how my day has been I never ever turn down your requests for a "dance party." I love to sing and dance with you!
This year when I asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you asked for a Barbie. We took you shopping and let you pick out your first Barbie. You shouted out when Daddy got to the store and skipped down the isle jabbering all the way. You carried your new Barbie around the entire day before even asking to take it out of the box that night.
I pray often for you, your husband, for your relationship with your brother and sister and most importantly for you to continue to grow in your love for the Lord. I consider myself blessed to have been chosen to be your Mommy. I am thrilled to see what the Lord is going to call you to do. I love you, my Princess Kayla.


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