Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Family Visit

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.

We had the pleasure of welcoming my Grannie and Cousin Lis (Melissa) for a visit this past week.
There are wonderful things God has given us in this life such as our senses, when I can see something or smell something that will trigger a memory. Awww, the bliss of being a child. Now that I have outgrown my blissful state of ignorance, I find myself engrossed with the this and that of everyday life and the needs of my children. This is the changing and growing of life, but this week I was transported back to a time when I was young and my Grannie was FUN! Not that she isn't fun now, but when we return to Texas for visits, I rarely have time to really ENJOY visiting with family. There is too much hustle and bustle. I realized having my Grannie in MY home where things were "normal", the kids were themselves, I was myself and more importantly I got to see her be HERSELF. For five days I was transported into the simple "Good ol' days."
We sat around visiting.
I enjoyed cooking for and serving my family.
We played with the kids.
We enjoyed playing games with each other.
I found my best friend from childhood that I'd long forgotton.
I had fun.
We had fun.
My home was full of love, laughter and fellowship.

There is something to be said about family being so far away.
I have found more joy in this past week than I have in many years.
Would I move closer and lose the opportunity to welcome more family?

I am thrilled to be so far away from my family, it makes them all the more special and memories all the more precious.
How amazing is my Heavenly Father's plan to bring me to Indiana!



My Grannie
Barbara Jean Venable

Girls Night Out,
Lis and I went out for dinner and painted the town RED,
that is until we returned home at 8pm! HAHAHA!
Good times, Good Friends, Good Cousins!
I love you, Lis!

"Kayla, Krista, where are you? How did you get in the bathroom?"
Poor Grannie, hope she didn't want any privacy that morning.

They watched Grannie all morning!
Kayla couldn't wait for Grannie to show her how to put in her teeth!
The girls were thrilled!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"BPS" Case #003

Well, with Kayla learning to go potty,
Krista decided all the babies all needed to learn to go potty too.
Pictured is baby #3.
Baby #1 was found, after who knows how long, and how to be thrown away because her batteries had already started to leak.
Baby #2, ironically, went in after Kayla's own #2 business.
Baby #2 is taking an extended leave of absence at the city dump. I didn't even bother to try to salvage her. (Poor Kayla she keeps finding them, "Mommy, my baby, Krista pott-ied her!"
So RIP baby #1 and baby #2.
Baby #3 just came out of the wash.

Can't image the file
"BPS" (Baby Protective Services)
has on us!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a difference a year can make!
We made all sorts of goodies this year for gymnastics, Sunday School and Preschool!

We did a little decorating...

Thank you Mrs. Pfeiffer for a fun Valentine Party!

The changing of the chalkboard.
This months theme:
"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

11 Years ago I married this man, pledged my heart and everything to him.
I wasn't nervous nor scared, but excited and in love. God has used this man in many ways. At times he has been a comfort, at other times a strong hand of discipline and correction. Then there are the times when he isn't anything at all and I am able to enjoy being beside him. He is not perfect, but he is handsome and that gets him past his imperfections.
I am thankful he is a good husband, caring father and a man of God. I am humbled to have been chosen to be his wife.

This year we spent our anniversary growing in our shared passion for the Lord's calling in mercy. There is much work to be done in this short life we have here on earth. It feels like there is such a need that it's overwhelming to find somewhere to begin. As we listened to Pastor Barry York speak about The War for Poverty, we realized that it must begin with us, in our home and spill into our church before it can flow out church the doors. We have three small children who are in desperate need of learning true compassion for those around them. We have been blessed with the opportunity to plant seeds of faith in Josh's heart as he is in our home. On a smaller scale, mercy should be in our marriage; in our dealings with one another and how we can serve each other.

With every year we celebrate the day the Lord joined us together, we find ourselves remembering His providence. The Lord brought us together in the summer of 1997. It has been a whirlwind of treasured memories, lessons in obedience and love. This year has been one of my most treasured celebrations. What a pleasure to not only celebrate with Eric, but in the teaching of our shared calling and in the presence of our Father.

Another year beside my Eric, poor guy, he's stuck with me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A First...

Lemonade award! It is for people that have a positive attitude, show gratitude, and are upbeat about situations and when given lemons, make lemonade.

Thank You,

I found this so humbling as I read what this award was about.
Sadly, there are many days I chose to take a bite out of the lemons,
rather than make lemonade :-).

The Lord has done some amazing things in my life and heart in the last five years.
Somewhere along the way, (through Mom actually), I met
She inspired me to begin blogging.
My blog is my outlet, my reflections and my family, a record of lessons learned and fun moments that would have been otherwise lost in the busy-ness of life. Thank you, Rebecca!

Though I cannot remember how I found her blog, I'm so glad I did.
Her blog has so many personal hard lessons learned and to see the Lord's grace through it all, is a reality check every time I visit.

Both of these women were the first blogs I started reading before beginning my own.
Since this is my first award I decided to pass it along to them in hopes that it will spread my love for them over the many miles that separate us.

The rules for this award are that you post the graphic for it, write a post that links back to the giver, and then pass it on to up to ten others. Leave a comment on the blogs that get the award, so they know what's happened.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gymnastics 2

Luke says "This is the most awesome-est thing I ever got to do."
He did so well. Sadly, his pictures stink. I was wrestling with two girls and wasn't allowed on the floor, that way the instructor could keep the kids attention.
However, everytime he would complete a task we got a huge smile and wave.
Hopefully, when Grandma and Grandpa go next week, Grandpa will be able to get some better shots.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, this is the perfect cure for winter blues!


This was the beginning of the end of Kayla's gymnastics career...
Or at least until next Winter
Where did all the other kids go, you ask?
Here's part of that stubborn side,
it comes in the form of cute!
I was so thankful to have a free trial class.
Though they have a fun program, they encourage the kids to explore, rather than be part of the group, if that's what the child chooses.
She can play without Grandma and Grandpa having to pay. :-)
She loved the ball pit so much, I couldn't keep her out of it (part of the problem). :-)
I'm tossing around the idea of getting Kayla her own for at home, only to be taken out while Luke is at his lessons. I've seen the boxes of balls for $20.
She had so much fun, but structure is what she needs.
She loved her new outfit, (cheap leotard from Walmart that I embellished with iron-on).

Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa for a fun Saturday!

Kayla Marie

My first Daughter,
Soft coos and diapers have now been replaced with sentences and "big girl undies."
The wiser mothers warned me time would fly.
Your sweetness carried from baby to child,
but your Mommy's stubbornness shows from time to time.
Grandma says you remind her of Uncle Joe,
guess you got it from both sides.

I pray great things for you, to learn to be a Lady,
despite what the world around you would have you be.

Stubborn, but still loved.
Grow and laugh, be silly and free, but find the path
God has laid for thee.

Around the House

A reminder that beauty can be enjoyed from the inside, even when it's too cold to experience outside.

A rare moment these days, all three playing together without fighting.


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